Locum Tenens / Providers
Become a provider in your desired specialty in your local area.
Enter the Locum Tenens/Providers application and portal.
Owners / Practices
Fill a short or long-term role in your business with vetted professionals.
Enter the practice owner application and portal.
What is Locum Tenens?
Roughly translated from Latin means “to hold a place”. tenens dentists fill in for other dentists on a basis, for a range of a few days to up to six or more, when the need arises.
Occasionally, situations may occur which cause a dental employer to face temporary staffing shortages such as:
- Illness
- Vacation
- Weddings / Events
- Some Other Unforseen Circumstance
Commonwealth Dental Connections can connect you with perfect Locum Tenens for the Unique needs of you and practice utilizing an all online digital platform with booking, payment messaging and reviews.
Need a Locum Tenens Dentist?
- Fill out the application
- Submit payment info for subscription
- Browse providers
Why Use Commonwealth
Dental Connections?
What is
Locum Tenens?
Roughly translated from Latin means “to hold a place”. tenens dentists fill in for other dentists on a basis, for a range of a few days to up to six or more, when the need arises.
Occasionally, situations may occur which cause a dental employer to face temporary staffing shortages such as:
- Illness
- Vacation
- Weddings / Events
- Some Other Unforseen Circumstance
Commonwealth Dental Connections can connect you with perfect Locum Tenens for the Unique needs of you and practice utilizing an all online digital platform with booking, payment messaging and reviews.
Need a Locum Tenens Dentist?
- Fill out the application
- Submit payment info for subscription
- Browse providers
Start Here
Why Use Commonwealth Dental Connections?



1. Connect
Find the perfect match for your needs.

2. Book
Schedule to meet your timing requirements and set your availability.

3. Sign
Enter a secure contract that makes it easy to transact.
Our locum tenen service covers every region in the
Commonwealth of Virginia and Washington DC.
See how many practices and providers are operating in your region.
Join our growing network of dentistry professionals who are working efficiently.